Constitution Sixteenth Amendment Bill (B1-2009)
Share this page:Section 74: Constitutional amendments
Bill versions:
- B1-2009 - as enacted
- B1-2009
Act commenced
Bill history
National Assembly
Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development
12 January 2009Bill introduced to National Assembly
National Assembly
National Council of Provinces
National Council of Provinces
Office of the President
The President
24 March 2009Signed by the President — B1-2009 - as enacted
25 March 2009Enacted as Act 8-2009. - Act commenced on 26 March 2009. Proclamation No. 367, 2009
25 March 2009Act commenced on 26 March 2009. Proclamation No. 367, 2009
Bill Text
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B1-2009 - as enacted
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