ATC090610: Joint Report Budget Vote 34

Water and Sanitation

Joint Report of the Portfolio Committees on Water and Environmental Affairs and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on Budget Vote 34: Water Affairs and Forestry, dated 10 June 2009:


The Portfolio Committees on Water and Environmental Affairs and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, having considered the 2009 Estimates of National Expenditure: Budget Vote 34: Water Affairs and Forestry, and priority areas of the sectors, for the 2009 financial year, report as follows:


Due to the re-alignment of departments and ministries, the National Assembly referred Vote 34 to the Portfolio Committees on Water and Environmental Affairs and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, to jointly consider the Budget Vote. Whilst the departments are in the process of being re-aligned, Budget Vote 34, for this financial year, is to be approved and debated by Parliament as a single vote.  Parliament, constituted its portfolio committees as per Cabinet’s re-alignment.  This thus, entailed the establishment of two portfolio committees – one on water and environmental affairs and the other on agriculture, fisheries and forestry.


On 10 June 2009, a joint meeting of the Portfolio Committees on Water and Environmental Affairs and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries was called to deliberate on the following:


·      The appropriations to budget vote 34 for the 2009 financial year.

·      The transfers of monies to entities.

·      An overview of programmes, and allocations.

·      An overview of key performance areas (priority areas) of the department and its entities.

·      Link to government priorities.

·      Challenges.

·      Recommendations.


The Portfolio Committees on Water and Environmental Affairs and Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, having considered Budget Vote 34 and the priority areas of the above sectors and its entities, report that they have concluded their deliberations thereon. 


The Committees acknowledge that many of their Members are new to the environmental, agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors, and would therefore request follow-up briefings and workshops with the Department and its entities.


The Portfolio Committees on Water and Environmental Affairs and Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, having considered Budget Vote 34: Water Affairs and Forestry, recommend that Budget Vote 34 be passed.


Report to be considered.


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