Defence Amendment Bill: finalisation and adoption of Committee Report

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Defence and Military Veterans

17 September 2014
Chairperson: Mr M Motimele (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met briefly to consider and adopt its report on the Defence Amendment Bill. The Bill was introduced in the Fourth Parliament but later revived in the Fifth Parliament for consideration. The legislative proposal sought to amend the Defence Act (No 42-2002) in order for Parliament to receive defence procurement quarterly reports and for it to be notified of delays and any escalation of costs associated with a procurement project.

The Committee debated the merits and demerits of the Bill and formally considered its desirability, with the majority of members not in favour of the Bill.

The Committee approved the report with an amendment.


Meeting report

The Chairperson welcomed members of the Committee and thanked them for their presence. The Chairperson noted that Mr D Maynier (DA) request to leave before the end of the meeting.

Adoption of Outstanding Minutes

Committee Minutes dated 20 August 2014

The Chairperson summarised the minutes to the Committee and there were no changes or adjustment made to the current state of the drafted minutes.

Mr B Bongo (ANC) raised the motion that the minutes be adopted.

Ms N Mnisi (ANC) seconded the motion.

The Chairperson indicated that these minutes were adopted with no changes.

Committee Minutes dated 27 August 2014

The Chairperson read out the minutes to the Committee.

Mr S Esau (DA) said that there should be a change on the discussion on the Defence Amendment Bill. He asked that it be noted that the Democratic Alliance did not support the objective of the Bill but did support the rest of the Bill as it was.

Mr D Maynier (DA) supported this change.

The Committee adopted the minutes with amendment.

Committee Minutes dated 3 September 2014

The Chairperson summarised the minutes to the Committee and there were no adjustment made to the drafted minutes.

Mr D Gamede (ANC) raised the motion that the minutes be adopted as they stand.

Mr J Skosana (ANC) seconded the motion.

The Chairperson indicated that these minutes were adopted with no changes.

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans on the Defence Amendment Bill

The Chairperson read out the final report of the Committee on the Defence Amendment Bill, after much Committee deliberation. The report mentioned that the purpose of the Bill was for the National Assembly to amend the Defence Act (NO 42-2002) in order for Parliament to receive defence procurement, quarterly reports, and notification on any costs involved in that regard. The Committee was recently briefed by the Parliamentary Legal Services and considered the Department of Defence’s comments on the proposed legislation.

On the meeting of 3 September 2014, the majority of the Committee members were not in favour of the Bill. However, the Democratic Alliance and the Economic Freedom Fighters indicated their support for the Bill.

The majority of Members had rejected the Bill as they were satisfied with the current legislative framework because it provides mechanisms for the Committee to maintain strict oversight of the Department of Defence and the South African National Defence Force

Mr Esau informed the Chairperson that clause 1.4 of the report provides that the Democratic Alliance and Economic Freedom Fighters’ support the Bill should be erased because their views have changed in this regard.

The Chairperson took note of this request and the clause was reworded.

The report was adopted with this amendment.

The meeting was adjourned. 


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